
Hole in the Heart

First Friday Exhibit at Whole in the Wall, March 2, 2018 and April 6, 2018 E.B. Schott shares the resulting confusion, frustration and angst issued by a “Hole in the Heart” instigated by verbal vomit that pervades our lives. This vacuous black hole is siphoning our hearts’ positive life forces into a seemingly infinite abyss leaving behind unbalanced negativity that is buttressing the slippery quagmire of the residual mundanity of life. However, our omniscient eye can imbue our inner and…

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First Friday Highlights Abstract Artist

As published by FOX 40 WICZ-TV As “First Friday” continues to highlight an array of local artists, one in particular was chosen to represent the month of August…E.B. Schott. The emerging abstract expressionist held an art exhibit at the Holiday Inn called “Alternative Universe of Blue,” showcasing some of her oil, acrylic, and en caustic works. As people walked by Schott’s paintings, remarking on the subtle brush strokes each image presented, they were greeted by the artist herself, Christine Forster (E.B.…

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Alternative Universe in Blue

Pop-Up Art Exhibit- First Friday, August 4, 2017 By: E.B. Schott Located at: The Tioga Room at the Holiday Inn Arena, Binghamton, NY Alternative Universe in Blue, by E.B. Schott, sweeps us up into the dark deep blue waves of escapism from the schisms affecting our lives by brushing aside the multiple cluttered pathways that are strewn before us, with seemingly infinite twisted obstacles of deception, on our quest for the meaning of life. E. B. strikes into the core…

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